Pepper Rabbit: The Red Velvet Stimulant for the Ears

Sunday 15 January 2012

The new year is supposed to bring a fresh start with new music, right?  New bands, albums and songs ultimately lead to epic concerts with opening acts that could be awesome aural discoveries.  Unfortunately this isn’t the case for the New Orleanian duo that is behind Pepper Rabbit.

Their melodic beats seem to lull you into a mystical world of harmonious tunes.  The diversity of instrumentals, eleven to be exact, makes their songs sound uplifting.  However, when listening to the lyrics, 'Murder Room' to be specific, there’s a disguised meaning.  Who would have thought that a song could be haunting and cheerful at the same time?  Pepper Rabbit’s sophomore, and final album, Red Velvet Snowball, is a treat.  Literally.  Not only does it stimulate my taste buds to crave dessert but also it induces a hypnotic state to my ears. 

Statements to their fans by both Xander and Singh about the end of Pepper Rabbit can be found on their Facebook page.  Two years, two creative individuals, and two albums that brought momorable tunes to a too short musical life span. 

R.I.P. Pepper Rabbit

Here's The Ballad of Alessandro Moreschi from Red Velvet Snowball.

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